The Secret Set
Plugged-in Diner
Those wires are all over the place!
Follow each wire to see where they lead.
Follow each wire in the order that they come out of the amp. They lead you to, 4 5 add 7. The answer is 45 + 7.
Ukulele play-along
Follow the two part solo.
Glide from one note to the next.
Plot each note with the correct colour on the Ukulele. Draw a line joining the notes together. Part 1 shows 2 and part 2 shows 9. The answer is 29.
Daybright Axis Beer Label
Look out for the half circle that need completing.
The arrow will always lead to the correct answer.
Where else have you seen the symbols?
Find the line of 5 symbols towards the top of the label. Then line up the half circle on the right hand side of the label with each of those symbols on the bottom half of the label. When the half circle lines up with the correct symbol the arrow will point to a letter. When done in the correct order the letters will spell S I X T Y. The answer is 60.
Big Stage Line Up
Who sponsors the Big Stage?
Those loyalty stamps look like they mean something.
Wonder why the stamps are different colours?
Find the band names that are playing at the time of each stamp. The band names will say, 'Only Sixteen Divided By Four Doubled Rest Up And Then Multiply Ten Times' Follow the instructions and you get 80. The answer is 80.
Patience Please Set List
Each of the song titles must mean something...
Can you tell which songs are out of order?
Looks like the out of order songs need to be added to the encore.
The song titles each refer to a number, 'The Lone Star' = 1, 'Twin Flames' = 2 etc. 'Eternity's Loop' and 'The Weekdays' mean 8 and 5 respectively but are out of order. These numbers then need to be added to the encore which is 'Cats Lives' and equals 9. The answer is 8+5+9=22. The answer is 22.
The Switch
How do you get on the guest list?
Flip the switches.
Up for on, Down for off.
Follow the instructions on the phone and put the tabs with the phone number up for on and down for off. This hides some of the words leaving EIGHT PLUS FIVE. The answer is 13.
Neon Inferno And The Beat Tyrants
Looks like a good song, how can you listen to it?
It's all about the words they don't sing.
If you listen to the song and read the lyrics you'll find that there are words they don't say, 'Look at the spot on the beast and add teen.' There is an 8 hidden on the Cheetah. Then you 'add teen'. The answer is 18.
Festival Map
You need some quick tips for this clue.
Have you lined up the pairs?
Remember drinks and popcorn come before burgers and pizza!
There are 4 pairs on the map, 2 popcorn stands, 2 burger vans, 2 red bars, 2 pizza vans. It you draw a line to match each pair, the lines cross over two numbers. The order of the two numbers is determined by the clue 'We recommend you grab a drink and some popcorn before maybe a burger or pizza then let the music begin!' So the number found by crossing the bars and popcorn comes first. The answer is 43.
Autograph Book
"Thanks for your amazing support! You mean the world to us. Look closely at every detail—sometimes, our handwriting has more to say than it seems. 💕"
Signed with love, Crimson Kites
"Your support means everything to us! Here’s a little secret: the numbers hidden in our messages might just lead you to something special. Pay close attention to the letters in our names... 💕"
Crimson Kites
Can you match each message with a band member? If you use the numbers written in their messages to find the corresponding letters in their name you might be able to find something...
Each band member has signed a message in the book with references to a few numbers. If you match the message to the band member via their handwriting and then take the corresponding letters in their name (e.g. Seung-ho references FIRST and SECOND, so you take the first and second letters - S and E). If you do this in order of where each number appears you'll spell the number SEVENTEEN. The answer is 17.